If you setup SL04 box have any problem, please take a closer look at this post, especially if the computer has a built-in network card, basically you will encounter IP How to plan these problems, please read this description carefully.
Note: All the functions of our box have been verified, the box will be strictly tested at the factory, if you encounter a problem, don’t suspect the box problem, Please follow this Q&A to set it up, you can solve more than 99% of the problem.
Special statement: Although the SL04 box has a lot of functions, but the operation is simpler than the general box, please don’t be scared by the more functions, If you just control the lights, Just set the network card IP can be used.
We’re writing so many explanations just to make people understand why must setup it, from the principle to the actual operation.
Technical Theory:
1: The SL04 box have a 10M LAN network card / 12M USB network card, can it be connected to 100M, 1000M switches and routers?
Answer: Yes, there is a negotiation mechanism in the network transmission, and the PHY of the network card will finally determine the transmission rate through negotiation.
2: What broadcast? What is unicast? What is Multicast?
Broadcasting means that the host is only responsible for sending the data to the network, and then it is left alone, and all downstream equipment can receive it. (Artnet protocol use broadcast)
Unicast means that the host only sends and receives data one by one with the corresponding device, no data is sent to other devices.
Multicast means that every devices joins the group, no matter who sends the data, as long as the devices in the group can receive the data. (sACN protocol use multicast)
Note: MA adopts all the above transmission methods, MA-NET is multicast mode, and the Artnet data sent by MA is broadcast mode, and unicast mode can also be set.
3: How is network data transmitted and what should I pay attention to?
Answer: The network data is sent and received through a packet one by one, each packet can not be larger than 1500 bytes (MTU), the network packet is through the MAC address of the network card (unique in the world, generally can not be changed) plus IP and port number to transmit data, plus the transmission protocol, encapsulated in the 7-layer network structure for transmission. For users, we only need to care about the IP address, the IP address is similar to our house number, you must have the house number to find your home address, so the device must have an IP address to communicate with the network.
For example, if the computer and the SL04 box transmit data through the network, then the computer needs to have an IP address, and the SL04 box also needs to have an IP address, Moreover, the two IPs must be on the same network segment then can communicate. The IP of the computer is saved in the computer and set through the computer network card, and the IP of the SL04 box is saved in the SL04 box and set through the WebAPP of the box. The physical connection between the computer and the SL04 box can be connected through the USB of the SL04 box (actually is USB network card), or the computer’s own built-in network card and the LAN port of the SL04 box can be connected through the network cable.
4: What is the relationship between fixed IP address and DHCP, and why do some devices need to set fixed IP addresses, while others do not?
Answer: DHCP is a dynamic allocation and automatic IP acquisition of the protocol, through the DHCP protocol, the upstream device will automatically assign a different IP to each downstream device, for example, the router has DHCP function, so the mobile phone is connected to the router, you don’t need to manual set the IP for the mobile phone, DHCP will auto assign a IP to mobile phone, so mobile phone can connect to the Internet, but the switch does not have DHCP function, so if the device is only connected to the switch, we need to manually assign a fixed IP address to each device in order to communicate. Because the lighting network is generally only connected to the switch and not to the router, the Artnet device generally sets its own fixed IP and does not enable the DHCP function.
Note: If our computer does not open the DHCP service, the Windows system does not have DHCP function, the computer has no way to assign IP to the device, if your computer network card does not set a fixed IP, the network data is not transmitted, so the computer will assign itself to the internal use of 169.254.x.x such a reserved IP, note, such an IP can not communicate with external devices, can only communicate within the computer. So many people will take it for granted that you see, I didn’t set any IP for my computer network card, and I can also receive data sent by other software, which is the computer itself set up to a 169.254.x.x reserve IP.
5: What the hell is this IP?
Answer: This IP is the local loop address of the computer, and this IP is an IP that the computer sends network data to itself to play, why? Suppose you have installed MA on the same computer and installed 3D software at the same time, if you want to send MA’s dmx network data to 3D software, how to send it, of course, you send it to yourself, but all different software in the computer can receive network data through this local IP.
6: What is Artnet? What the hell is Artnet IP? What is the difference between the NIC IP address?
Answer: Artnet is a network transmission lighting protocol, a set of free lighting transmission protocols encapsulated on UDP packages, mainly in Europe, because it is free, so most manufacturers support it.
Note: North America competes with the sACN protocol, which is charged at the beginning and free later, so the popularity is not as high as Artnet.
The Artnet protocol stipulates that network data transmission is transmitted through broadcast polling 2.x.x.x as the main network segment, and 10.x.x.x is transmitted as the secondary network segment, so downstream devices only need to set the IP of these two network segments then can receive Artnet data.
Note: By default, MA2 transmits artnet data from the network segment starting with main net 2, and MA3 transmits artnet data through network segment 10 by default.
Because MA2 is developed in accordance with the Artnet standard protocol, you should not take it for granted that you can receive artnet data by setting the network card to 192.168.x.x, this IP cannot receive artnet data, but non-standard Artnet software can, such as madrix.
Artnet IP is calculated by the MAC address of the network card, and has nothing to do with the network card IP, the network card IP can ensure the transmission of UDP network packets, but if you want to distinguish different Artnet devices in the broadcast packet, this artnet IP can be distinguished, the artnet IP calculation method is the code of the OEM of 2byte, plus the last few segments of the MAC when the IP address, a calculated IP that is combined with 2, The original intention of the protocol was to be plug-and-play without setting an IP address, which in my opinion has no effect. For users, they can ignore it, and only need to set the correct NIC IP to ensure that the network can send and receive UDP packets then artnet will ok.
7: If the computer has multiple network cards, why does the data cause confusion?
Answer: If your computer has a built-in network card and a wireless wifi network card, now, our box is connected to your computer through the USB network card, so that your computer will have 3 network cards, if your computer is installed with a virtual machine, the virtual machine also has a virtual network card, so that there will be at least 4 network cards, if you install a loopback network card, so that there will be at least 5 network cards, such a computer If you do not plan the IP of each network card, it will eventually make MA confused, and do not know what kind of data to send to which network card.
At the same time, because the priority of the built-in network card is higher than that of our external usb network card, there is a high probability that the network data of MA will not be sent to our box, and the final result is: artnet will not be output to our SL04 box, resulting in no output of the box; The MA-NET protocol data cannot be sent to the SL04 box, causing the MA to fail to unlock 131072 parameters.
If you encounter these problems, please don’t suspect that we have a problem with our SL04 box, please see if there is a problem with your settings first.
How to do, please follow the steps below:
1: If SL04 box is connected to your computer through the USB network card, all built-in network cards can not be set to 2.x.x.x network segments, and disable all internal network cards (including virtual machine network cards, loopback network cards and WIFI network card ), and then set our SL04 box USB network cards to a fixed IP: (11 can be other values, but not set to 44, because SL04 box factory default IP is: , Please note that the IP of this network card is the IP of the computer, which is saved in the computer, this IP is not the IP of the SL04 box, SL04 box IP is )
2: In the MA2 software, press Setup->MA Network Control->Station IP to select (Session, don’t choose other IPs, don’t take it for granted to choose 2.x.x.x network card IP, and don’t choose SL04 box usb network card IP, as for why, please see the next article)
3: Setup->MA Network Configuration->DMX node->Add Add DMX node to MA2 software (if you don’t copy our winusb.dll plugin file to MA2 directory, only 2 nodes will appear, if you copy the plugin dll file to MA2 directory, there will be 4 nodes, no matter what the IP of the node is, just need to join, where node IP is sent by SL04 box, is sent by winusb.dll plugin, if there is a winusb.dll, 45/46 will be closed)
4: Setup->Network Protocols->Art-Net Output Active (light up this button, if there is no output artnet, you can click it a few more times, and the artnet output will be reactivated, especially if the network card is replaced, for example, the original usb network card, now connect the LAN port with a network cable, you need to re-click the activation button several times to reactivate, and at the same time Delay(ms) is set to at least 1ms)
Follow the above 4 steps to operate, I’m be sure that you can crack and output Artnet (if artnet data still not sent to SL04, please see Article 9).
But you must not be convinced, I have to use the built-in network card, Can’t disable it.
That’s right, Then we undisable the built-in network card one by one, when undisable one network card, Reopen MA2, See if the SL04 box has output artnet data, You can open the box dmxin to view and detect the data, If there is output, You can exclude this network card will intercept data, If there is no output, You need to focus on this network card, Change this network card to a different IP, Don’t change it to an IP that starts with 2, Changing to other IP like 192.168.x.x or simply not setting the IP address will basically solve the problem.
Please note: Don’t take it for granted that if the built-in network card is set to 2.x.x.x network segments, and our SL04 box usb network card is also set to 2.x.x.x network segments, As long as the IP is different, MA2 will send Artnet data and MA-NET data to these 2 network cards, This is impossible, MA2 will only select 1 network card for artnet data transmission, It will not be sent to 2 network cards at the same time, But it is most likely to be sent to the built-in network card, Because the priority of the built-in network card is higher.
If you want to use the built-in network card, how to solve it?
You can connect the built-in network card and SL04 box through the network cable (the box USB needs to be connected to the power adapter for power supply), or both can be connected to the switch, so that you can.
Note that the built-in network card needs to be set to an IP address starting with 2.
A: If the computer is connected to SL04 usb network card, the built-in network card can not set the IP that starts with 2, if the built-in network card is set with the IP starting with 2, because the built-in network card has a high priority, it will intercept the data sent by the MA first, and the MA data only goes to the built-in network card, and will not go to the USB network card outside our box, so it will cause problems.
B: If the built-in network card of the computer is connected to the LAN port of our SL04 box through the network cable, the built-in network card must be set to the IP starting with 2, MA All data is transmitted through the built-in network card, and at the same time will be transmitted to the box through the LAN port of the box, of course, the built-in network card can also be connected to the switch, then other devices can be connected to the switch for data transmission.
What is the reason for this problem?
Just like the MA2 physical console, the physical console has 2 network cards, the functions of the 2 network cards are separated, the number 1 network card uses MA data, only the number 2 network card takes Artnet data, and the number 1 network card cannot be set with Artnet IP, please see the description of the screenshot of the official manual in Article 8 below.
The built-in network card of the computer is similar to the network card of the MA physical console number 1, if the 2 network segment of the Artnet IP is set, because of the high priority, the downlink Artnet data of the MA will be intercepted, and the downlink Artnet data sent by the MA will not reach the SL04 box, all the network data will go to the built-in network card of the computer (number 1), will not go to the USB network card of number 2, so it will cause the SL04 box to have no Artnet data output. But the uplink data of SL04 box USB network card cannot be intercepted, Because SL04 box will take the initiative to send uplink DMX node multicast data packets to the computer through its own USB network card, So MA can find 2 DMX nodes in SL04 box, and can also unlock 4096 parameters.
Also, if you copy the winusb.dll plugin file to unlock the 131072 parameters, the computer’s built-in network card will also intercept the probe packet send by MA, because the probe packet cannot reach SL04 box, so the 131072 parameters cannot be unlocked.
Therefore, for multi-NIC computers, the IP of each NIC must be correctly planned to ensure the normal transmission of different data. Of course, if your computer does not have a built-in network card, then everything is very simple, as long as you set the SL04 box USB network card IP to be fixed: 2.x.x.x on it.
8: Why should the delay of MA2 Artnet be set to more than 1ms?
Answer: The maximum refresh rate of dmx512 is 44Hz, when sending Artnet from MA2, the maximum refresh rate between packets cannot be set to 0ms, if no interval will exceed the maximum refresh rate of DMX512, causing the lights to flicker occasionally.
how to do:
In the Artnet settings, the delay time is set to at least 1ms.
This is the sending interval between packets, it cannot be set to 0ms, if the 8 universe are set to 1ms, the total refresh rate is already 1000/(8x1ms)=125Hz, the 4 universe are 1000/(4x1ms)=250Hz, if set to 2ms, the total refresh rate of the 8 ports is 1000/(8x2ms)=62.5Hz, which has exceeded the maximum refresh rate of dmx512, so at least 1ms needs to be set to give up the CPU processing time, Otherwise, it is easy to cause downstream equipment data jams, resulting in occasional flickering of the lamp.
MA Official Website Description:
SL04 box is slow network, looking at the official manual delay setting instructions, the official manual clearly states: “Add a number here… This can be need in slow networks. Only for Art-Net output”.
If your computer have a built-in network card (the built-in NIC can be regarded as a number 1 NIC number), The official note clearly states: do not set the built-in NIC to a valid Artnet IP address, which means that the built-in NIC cannot set the network segments starting with 2. Note: If your computer is not connected to SL04 box through USB network card, but through the LAN connection box, and the computer only has 1 network card (number 1 network card), then the built-in network card needs to be set to the IP starting with 2, refer to the instructions in Article 7 above.
Why is the Session IP set to, please see the “Important” of the official help instructions: if you use a onPC, then you do not need to make a valid Art-Net IP…
9: The MA crack was also successful, The Artnet activation button was also clicked a few times, and it was also activated, but there was no Artnet output, what should I do
Answer: We have one last trick, first make sure the Session IP is:, and then enter the command in the CMD input field: Edit DmxUniverse 1, when the window pops up, MA will automatically activate the output, or you can open the universe pool in other windows yourself, You only need to do it once to succeed, and then save the show file after success, and then restart MA2, and it will be remembered next time. This is caused by the use of different configurations in the show file, especially when you open the old show file, if the old output configuration of the file is not cleared, this problem will basically occur. In addition, this problem will occur even if the session IP address is changed.
10: The first time to use the SL04 box, how to set the usb network card IP
Answer: Please click here for detailed graphic descriptions: http://hahan123.com/sl04/net_set_en.html
11: The browser cannot enter the solution of SL04 box WebAPP
Answer: The built-in http server of the SL04 box is completely developed by ourselves, and does not call any third-party libraries.
SL04 single-chip microcomputer memory and flash size are very small, in order to improve the single-chip microcomputer processing speed and reduce the size of the program, the written http service code uses a lot of skills, the code is very concise, so there are some exceptions that are not particularly important, we have not done to deal with them, such as SSL certificate, strict verification of cookies, etc.
Because the computer’s browser is basically used every day, long-term use will save a large amount of garbage data on the local computer, if some data happens to conflict with the data of the box, it will cause some unexpected small problems, such as other characters in the box input bar, simple console faders can not be pushed, etc., and even can not enter the WebAPP.
This problem can be solved by clearing the browser cache, and if there are any browsing problems, you can do this, or you can try a different browser.
If you can’t open the box WebAPP, It’s very likely that http automatically adds s, It becomes https, You can click the mouse on the browser’s IP bar, Press enter a few more times, The browser will clear https’s SSL encrypted connection 443 port, Go to http ordinary 80 port.
Please click here for detailed graphic descriptions:
Note: The memory of the box is very small, if you open multiple browsing pages, the inside of the box is memory sharing, keep a long connection, if you do not use webAPP for a long time, it is recommended to close the web page, otherwise it will always keep the connection.
12: SL04 Activation Precautions, Why is there an activation operation, and what is the significance of the activation operation?
Answer: When you use the SL04 for the first time, you need to activate the SL04 box on the Internet to use it.
Note: In the old 5.1 version of the firmware, the SL04 activation operation can only be activated by connecting the Type-C port of the box through the USB data cable, and the activation operation must not be carried out through the LAN port.
In the unlikely event that the activation is performed through the LAN port, the server will save your data but will not activate the box. At this time, if you activate again, it will show “ERROR: There is the same HWID in the database, please contact us to solve the problem: 1195722899@qq.com T=xx”, if show this text, you need to notify us (double-click on the Email bar, the information will be saved in the notepad file and downloaded to the local computer, send this information to us), we will operate in the background of the server, and then you can continue to activate through the USB interface.
After firmware version 5.3, there is no limit, and the LAN port can also be activated.
(Note: The firmware of the box after December 20, 2024 is greater than version 5.3)
Why is there an activation operate and what is the significance of the activation operate?
A: The activation operation can ensure that the box is brand new to the customer.
B: The activation operation can turn the box into its own brand of products, which is very friendly to sellers and lighting project.
C: This activation information is required for box upgrade, and the information on the server will be checked before upgrading to verify whether it is correct.
13: How to ensure that the SL04 box can be activated successfully after one operation?
Answer: Please strictly follow the steps below to ensure that the operation is successful the first time
A: Make sure your computer can view our website http://AVLdiy.cn or http://www.hahan123.com
B: If the SL04 box is connected to your computer via usb, please make sure that SL04 USB network card is set to 2.x.x.x IP, and disable other internal network cards or the internal network card is set to IP that is not 2 network segments, and the internal network card must not be set to the same network segment as SL04 USB network card, so as to prevent the internal network card from having a high priority, intercepting the data delivered by the server, and causing the activation to be unsuccessful
C: If you use a LAN port to connect to the SL04 box (firmware version 5.3 or later), make sure that the built-in NIC connected to the LAN port is set to the IP address of 2.x.x.x
D: The browser clears the cache and cookies, and then browses, please note that it is not https, many browsers will automatically add s
E: Enter the activation page, enter your name and email address, press activation, and you will automatically enter the setup interface of the webAPP after activation
The new box only needs to be activated once, and it does not need to be activated again, the activation information will be permanently stored in the box, cannot be modified or deleted, and your activation information will be displayed in the webAPP.
Note: There is a limit to the number of activations for each new box, if the multiple activations are unsuccessful, please contact us, otherwise the server will think that it is a hacker attack, and will blacklist your IP and box, resulting in the box can never be activated, at this time, you need to contact us, after we confirm that everything is OK, we will operate on the server, you will be notified that you can proceed with the activation of the box.
14: When using other DMX control software for SL04 box and then using MA2, you need to pay attention to the following matters:
SL04 supports a lot of dmx control software, the use method is very simple, just copy our DLL plug-in to the running directory of the dmx software, you can use it without any settings.
However, it is important to note that:
If you have run other dmx control software with our plug-in, when you use MA2 onPC, you must restart the box once, because when running other software, other software will recognize that it is not MA onPC software, and will temporarily turn off the MA2-Net protocol of the box to save the CPU processing speed of the box, so if you want to use the MA2 onPC software, you need to restart the box once, and the box will reopen the MA2-Net protocol. (This means that if you run other software that contains our plug-ins first, and then run MA2 onPC, you need to restart the box once to restore the MA2-Net protocol when the other software was temporarily shut down)
15: The question of whether the MA software needs a plug-in
Answer: If you only use the SL04 box to control the lights, you do not need to copy the winusb.dll plug-in file to the ma2 directory, the SL04 box natively supports MA2 to unlock 4096 channels.
If you need to unlock 256 universe and 131072 parameters, you need to copy the winusb.dll plugin file to the ma2 directory.
Note: If the MA2 onPC parameters are 131072 not unlocked after copying the winusb.dll plug-in, please check if the winusb.dll is in the ma2 directory, if not or killed by the antivirus software, please close your antivirus software or add the winusb.dll to the antivirus software whitelist, and then copy the winusb.dll to the ma2 directory again. Because cracking software will use virus technology, it is easy to be detected, mistakenly killed and deleted by antivirus software. The antivirus software will scan the hard disk from time to time, so after copying, in case it is scanned, sometimes it will be killed, and the plug-ins of other control software are the same, in case it is deleted by the antivirus software by mistake, please add it to the antivirus software whitelist.
If there are winusb.dll plug-ins in the MA directory, but there are no 131072 parameters unlocked, nine times out of ten it is a multi-NIC problem, and the built-in NIC intercepts the data sent by MA to the SL04 box, resulting in failure to unlock, please refer to Article 7.
16: How to use other professional DMX software
A: The SL04 box supports a lot of professional DMX control software, and it is perhaps the box with the most DMX software support in the world. The method of use is very simple, you only need to go to the download area of SL04, download the DLL plug-in corresponding to different software directories, and copy the DLL plug-in file to the professional software directory, so that you can do it. There is no need for any settings in the professional software, and there is no need to find the hardware then can use the software with SL04 box to control the lights, the only thing to note is: some of our DLL plug-ins can only be used according to the corresponding software version, so only the version required by the DLL can be used, Some DLL are general versions, and the general version plug-in can support the cracking of different versions of professional software, please carefully read the readme in each directory.
Download link: http://down.hahan123.com/down_server/SuperLightBox
17: The SL04 box has been working normally, but now I can’t ping box and can’t browse box WebAPP, and the DMX software can’t output to the box
Answer: Nine times out of ten, the fixed IP of the original network card will be automatically restored to DHCP, this problem we have encountered, if the network card is changed frequently, windows will inexplicably automatically clear the set IP, and it will automatically return to DHCP, this problem can only be asked to Microsoft, and we have nothing to do.
Solution: Set the computer network card to fixed IP address again.
18: In case I forgot the box IP, how to check, can I restore to the factory default IP:
Answer: If you forget the IP address of the SL04 box, the internal software of the box SL04_ToFactory can find the IP address of the box, or you can restore the box to the factory settings, no matter which network segment the IP of the SL04 box is set to, you can restore to the factory default IP=
how to do:
A: First set the IP of the computer’s network card to a fixed IP address, IP is: (the last 1 digit can also be other digits, regardless of whether the IP of the box is this network segment)
B: Press the ToFactory button, the box will be automatically restored to factory settings, IP=
SL04_ToFactory software download address:
19: What is the download address of the box’s supporting software?
Answer: http://down.hahan123.com/down_server/SuperLightBox
20: Box firmware version and bug description
A: There is a bug in the box with the firmware version of 5.1, the USB network card will cause the lights to flash occasionally when sending big data, there is no problem with the LAN port sending and receiving data, the USB network card This bug needs to be upgraded and solved, you can send it back to us for upgrading, you can also wait for us to write the upgrade program, upgrade yourself, upgrade yourself need to disassemble the short circuit PCB upgrade button, it will be more troublesome. We’ll announce how to upgrade in the future.
B: The firmware is 5.3 or above, which solves all the bugs reported by customers, and there is no customer feedback at present, which is very stable.
(Note: The firmware of the box after December 20, 2024 is greater than version 5.3)
21: Bug feedback
If you find any bugs, you can give us feedback, and it is recommended that you try to describe the usage scenarios as much as possible when giving feedback, such as: what software is used, whether you use a USB network card or LAN port, the computer system version, the control software version, what problems occur, and send the problem to 1195722899@qq.com or WeChat hahan4567
22: Video introduction
Feature Preview (5 minutes, October 29, 2024)
Watch on our site: http://down.hahan123.com/down_server/SuperLightBox/video_teaching/00_preview.mp4
Watch on Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fhSiYwE6E/
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zaZSpapx2yk
Technical details (65 minutes):
Watch on our site: http://down.hahan123.com/down_server/SuperLightBox/video_teaching/01_preview.mp4
Watch on bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FSSvYcENw/
RS485/232 to call box secondary development tutorial video (54 minutes, only Chinese):
Watch on our site: http://down.hahan123.com/down_server/SuperLightBox/video_teaching/02_RS485_Call.mp4
Watch on bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nLAZefEYn/
23: Detailed description of technical
Answer: http://hahan123.com/sl04/sl04_en.html
24: How to tell if a box is good or bad
Answer: By observing the flashing state of the red light of the box, you can determine whether the box is good or bad, as long as the red light will flash 1 time in 1s, it means that the heartbeat of the box is normal and the box is good.
25: When you download our plugin, the browser will block the download, what to do
Answer: First of all, let me declare: it is strongly forbidden to use 360, QQ and other Chinese browsers to download things from our website! The files downloaded in such a browser environment will be added something, and it is strongly recommended that the computer do not install rogue software such as 360!
Please use the Edge or Google browser that comes with windows to download the stuff from our website.
Because what we provide is the original DLL and exe file, not compressed into rar, so when downloading, basically the browser will intercept it, please follow the image and text connected below.
26: When setting a fixed IP address for network card, a prompt message “Unable to save IP settings” appears
Answer: If you are setting the IP address of the network card, the prompt “Unable to save the IP settings, please check one or more settings and try again” appears, the possible problem with this prompt is as follows:
1:Win10 system: Enter the IP address in the first box, and the second box is “subnet prefix length”, not the subnet mask we are used to entering, the solution: change the mask to the length 24. Note that the correspondence between mask and length is: for 8, for 16, and for 24
2:Win11 system: Enter the IP address in the first box, the second box is “subnet mask”, Win11 is not the length is the mask, the mask can be entered or
There is also a possibility that your IP was originally set up for other network cards and saved in the computer. Solution: Restart the computer and change the other IP address.
If there is still a problem, it is possible that the DNS is empty, and sometimes an error will be reported, you can fill in the DNS casually, and the settings can be successfully saved, and you do not need to fill in the DNS under normal circumstances.
If it still doesn’t work, the last resort is to reset the IP addresses of all network cards on the computer by commanding them, enter the following command in CMD, and then reset the IP of the network card:
netsh int ip reset
Tips: Enter the command ipconfig /all in the CMD window to view the information of all network cards
Microsoft’s official solution (a bit complicated):
27: When testing SL04 box, it is common to make mistakes that the lighting matched by the software does not correspond to the output port of the box
Answer: When customers test SL04 box, they often make such mistakes: the MA software has been cracked, the WebAPP can control the light, but the MA is dead and alive can not be controlled, so we are puzzled, and then we checked remotely, and found that the customer is in the MA the light fixture is patch in universe1, but the line output to the lighting is connected to PORT2, so that the lighting must not be controlled, the line plugged into PORT0 then ok.
The case of high frequency has appeared 5, 6 times in our customers.
The box supports 4 port outputs, and it is easy to make this mistake when testing, so special attention should be paid to the correspondence of PORT.
28: RDM function software description
Answer: The operating software of the RDM function of the box is built into the WebAPP of the box, and all operations are carried out in the WebAPP, and the RDM function of the box cannot be called by the third-party software, nor can the RDM function of the box be operated through MA2.
WebAPP is the simplest and most intuitive operation, the interface is clear at a glance, and it is so simple that you can complete all operations with just a few clicks of the mouse.
29: How to auto play offline dmx files and how to set the number of play loops
A: Create a playlist file in WebAPP Offline first, how to create it:
1: Capture a DMX file for each show, and name it, support Chinese name
2: Adjust the playback order of the files according to your own program arrangement, create a playlist file by dragging and dropping, and press “My Offline Play List” to save the playlist to the box
3: AutoPlay tick ✔ that’s it, the next time you turn SL04 box power on, the box will automatically play your playlist file. (If you want to turn off SL04 box Autoplay offline dmx file function, AutoPlay can cancel the checkbox)
Note: If you do not select the number of loops, all files in the playlist when last file finish played then will stop, and if you select the number of loops, the loop play will be looped number times then stopped
B: How to set the number of loop:
Please note that if you want to set the number of loops, select the number of loops first, and then press AutoPlay, note: if you change the number of loops, you need to press AutoPlay again to save the number of loops in the AutoPlay file. The maximum number of loops is 6000 times, and 6000 times can basically be loop forever, assuming a 1-minute DMX file and play 6000 loops, which is equivalent to 4 days uninterrupted playing before stopping.
30: When recording a DMX file, whether the output of 4 ports or 1 port is recorded
Answer: You can define the number of recording ports by yourself, which port you need to record, just tick the PORT, the factory default is to record 4 ports, the recording file Output will display [1,1,1,1], 1 means that this port is recorded, if it is 0, it means that this port is not recorded, for example, Output shows [1,1,0,0] means that only the 0th and 1st ports are recorded, and the 2nd and 3rd ports are not recorded, and the file status is clear at a glance.
You can also record DMXin, including the dmx512 output of the physical console, if you want to connect RS485 to call the dmx file of the box through PORT3, because PORT3 will be connected to RS485 in the end, you can route DMXin to other ports, 0 means to route to PORT0, 1 means to route to PORT1, 2 means to route to PORT2, A means to route to all ports 0, 1, 2, and “–” means that the routing function is not enabled.
Note: If the routing feature is not enabled, the recorded DMXin data is eventually output through PORT3.
The routing function can also intercept DMX512 data from the entity console for analysis.
31: How to distinguish the computer network card which is the USB network card of the SL04 box
Answer: If there are multiple network cards in the computer, how to distinguish the USB network card of the SL04 box?
Win7 system: Device management -> network adapter, there will be a network card named “Hahan123.com Super Light Box” in it, which is the USB network card of SL04 box.
Win10/11 system: network and Internet to find Ethernet card, click in, the following information appears is our SL04 box USB network card:
Aggregate Link Speed (Receive/Transmit): 12/12 (Mbps)
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Description: Remote NDIS Compatible Device
32: Our technical support time
Answer: The reception time of our box development engineer WeChat and telephone technical support is as follows:
Week 1 to Week 5: 9:30-11:30 a.m., 13:30-16:30 p.m
WeChat: hahan4567
Email: 1195722899@qq.com