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[2025-03-02] Ver5.7 Added support for LumiDesk [May 25 2021] version Someone like this software [2025-02-21] Ver5.7 Add RS485/232 to call box secondary development tutorial video [2025-02-19] Ver5.4 The source code of C# secondary development is added, and the writing method of issuing hahan protocol through UDP is demonstrated [2025-02-18] Ver5.4 The source code of WebAPP secondary development is added, and the writing method of the large screen master control system is demonstrated [2025-02-17] Ver5.4 Add Secondary development SDKs, including x32 and x64 versions, COFF (VC format) and OMF (CBC format), can be compatible with most development languages All you need to do in your code is to include our SL04.h header file and call DMXSendUniverse(char *ip, unsigned char universe, unsigned char* buf). Add VC and C++ builder project source code, download can be compiled and run directly [2025-02-13] Ver5.4 Added support for ETC3.2.10.36 software Unlock the Eos control software all 63999 universe, a total of 32767488 channels, using the standard sACN protocol output, so the sACN protocol of Eos cannot be turned off. [2025-01-22] Ver5.4 Added support for Chromateg Ledplay1.10.2 / Pro1.9.2 / Pro2 2.2.6 someone ask me for support Chromateg software [2025-01-16] Ver5.4 Fixed MA2 unlock 131072 parameter bug Fixed MA2 unlock 131072 parameter plugin in multiple network cards bug [2025-01-15] Ver5.4 Added support for Daslight1 last version [Nov 08 2021] Added support for Daslight2 last version [May 21 2021] Added support for Daslight3 last version [Nov 09 2021] Someone like these old version [2025-01-14] Ver5.4 Added support for Sunlite1 [Jun 24 2019] version Someone like this old version [2025-01-13] Ver5.4 Added support for Sunlite SL2004 [2016 10 10] version Someone like this old version [2025-01-08] Ver5.4 Added support for Sunlite1 SL2006 [2022 08 02] version [2024-12-24] Ver5.4 The firmware is upgraded to version 5.4 to solve the problem that the lights occasionally flicker when the USB network card sends big data Customers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan can send us back for free upgrades. Or wait for us to write the upgrade program and announce the upgrade method (the time will be longer, you need to disassemble the upgrade by yourself, short the upgrade button on the PCB, it will be more troublesome to upgrade by yourself, please be warned, there will be a certain risk in firmware upgrade) [2024-12-17] Ver5.3 Added support for CueluxPro1.6.16 [2024-12-03] Ver5.1 Added support for DMXCreator 7.15 [2024-12-01] Ver5.1 Added support for Sunlite3 [May 26 2021] [2024-11-30] Ver5.1 Add a set of old software grandMA1 onPC, although the software is very old, but it is very classic [2024-11-28] Ver5.1 Added box factory reset & IP lookup internal program - SL04_ToFactory.exe If you forget the IP of SL04 box, you can find the IP of SL04 box and restore the factory default IP= through this software [2024-11-27] Ver5.1 Upload software plugins such as Das4, Das5, myDMX5, SweetLight, ShowXpress, lightjockey, etc Note: These plugins can support multiple recent versions, and may not yet be released. Therefore, if there is an official download of the new version, these plugins may also be supported. [2024-10-29] Ver5.1 First release hahan 2025.03.02